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Our CQC report

Nestora Home Care is committed to providing the highest standards of care. Our CQC rating is based on an inspection from February 2020, which evaluated our service on five key questions: is it safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led?
While we fell short in the ‘safe’ and ‘well-led’ areas, we received a ‘Good’ rating for being ‘effective’, ‘caring’, and ‘responsive’. The inspector noted, “people said they trusted staff to keep them safe” and “staff were kind, courteous and sensitive.”
In response to the areas requiring improvement, we have reviewed our processes and implemented new quality assurance measures to fully address the CQC’s findings. Although CQC has not reinspected us since 2020, we continually seek ways to improve all aspects of our service.
Our clients have independently reviewed our service on, where Nestora is rated 9.7 out of 10. We would be delighted to answer any questions about our CQC report and demonstrate our commitment to excellence in care.

Please contact Registered Manager Gareth Downes on or call the office on 01484 766 620.